Google Home


Google Home is a smart speaker that is interactive and works on two-way communication system. It means that it will perform actions when command is given to it verbally following the wake word (“Ok Google” or “Hey Google”) and also reply to the user if required. It requires WiFi internet connection to perform tasks.

The functionality of Google Home is not limited to listening to music, but the scope is very wide. It helps to make one’s home a smart home. User need to install Google Home App in his smartphone to complete the set up and provide internet to the speaker.

There are wide ranges of smart devices (smart bulbs, home security system etc.) that could be controlled using Google Home. Just need to complete the set up related to each smart device in the app.

Google Home

Google Home record and save the user’s voice and reacts as per the command only to that user. However, it can record and save multiple users. It can also act as one’s personal assistant and can brief with the schedule of the day, appointments. For multiple users, it can work as personal assistance for each individual. It can speak all the information available in the search engine when asked.

Google Home could be customized on the basis of the location where it will be used (small room, large room, big hall, first floor, second floor etc.)

* Video shown above is indicative, with full copyright to their respective owners.


Assistances that we could get from Google Home but not limited to it-

  • Music on demand
  • News
  • Weather report
  • Control smart devices
Confidence is very important – even pretending to be confident. If you make a mistake but do not let your opponent see what you are thinking then he may overlook the mistake. - Viswanathan Anand,Indian chess Grandmaster.
Viswanathan Anand